Do you have a loved one in jail? Most people want to try and get their loved one out of jail as quickly as possible, but it can be hard to obtain the money needed to acquire the bond. Hiring a bail bond company will make it quick and efficient to get your loved one out of jail. AAA Bail Bonds is here to help you 24/7 with all your bail bond needs! We have agents for each county in Utah, click here to obtain your phone number for your bail bond agent.
Most bail bonds will ask you to pay 10 percent as a premium for hiring a bail bond agent. The bail bond company is taking on risk by fronting the money for the bail, which is why it’s common to see an upfront cost. Keep in mind, the 10 percent is not usually returned even if the person is acquitted of all charges.
How Much Does it Cost to Get Out of Jail?
The cost is based on a variety of factors. In Utah there is a 20% bail premium and a 10% minimum bail. The overall cost is set by the judge, so it’s not easy to say the exact figure as its based on several factors from how many prior arrests, the nature of the crime, etc.
Court Appearances
If you are considering providing bail, you must be certain they will attend court appearances. Failure to attend court can end up leading to the bond to be revoked and the individual to have a warrant for their arrest issued.
Cash or Bail Bond?
Most people do not have extra money set aside to pay for a sudden expense like bail. Working with a bail bond company can speed up the entire process, and guarantees the money is there. The cost of the bail bond is quite small compared to the hassle it costs to pull enough money out of the bank, take it to the jail, file the right paperwork and so forth. Contact AAA Bail Bonds today to get started with your bail bond needs.
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