If you are facing an assault charge, it will be important to gain yourself the time to obtain superior legal representation. You won’t be able to mount an excellent defense while you remain behind bars. Obtaining a bail bond can help you to resume your life with as little disruption as possible.
There are certain stipulations for bail bonds when you have an assault charge. The stipulations often vary depending on the severity of the charge. Bail bonds are usually set based on a predetermined schedule. This helps prevent the courts from backing up due to arraignment hearings. However, an assault charge that involves severe bodily injury or property damage will likely require an arraignment hearing in front of a judge. Additionally, if the assault charge includes a deadly weapon, there will likely be more stipulations regarding the bail bond.
Every assault bail bond contains a provision for a personal protection order (PPO) after the individual has been released. A PPO requires the individual to stay a set distance away from the victim. This distance will vary depending on the severity of the charge. Personal protection orders almost always include a no-contact order. This prohibits the individual from contacting the victim in any way, including text, phone calls, e-mail, or any other communication platform.
An Experienced Bail Bonds Company
It is important to work with an experienced bail bonds company when you need an assault bail bond. They will be knowledgeable about all of the stipulations that occur when you obtain an assault bail bond. Additionally, they will be able to help you prevent violations of the terms of the bond agreement. Any violations of these terms will negate the bond and land you back in jail.
Why Choose AAA Bail Bonds
Here at AAA Bail Bonds, we strive to provide you with the most convenient service possible. We understand that this is a particularly stressful time in your life and take all of the steps necessary to avoid adding to your stress. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. We will even come to you! If you or a loved one needs a bail bond due to an assault charge, contact one of our experienced bondsmen at AAA Bail Bonds today!