All bail bonds require multiple stipulations. In general, all bail bonds require the individual to attend all of their court mandated hearings. The individual must also not be arrested for any crime, or they will be violating the terms of their bail.
Other Stipulations
Assault bail bonds and domestic violence bail bonds require additional stipulations beyond those of normal bail bonds. Assault bail bonds require a personal protection order, commonly referred to as a PPO. This order requires the individual to stay a certain distance away from the victim at all times. These also usually include a no-contact cause, which prohibits the individual from contacting the victim in any way. Domestic violence bail bonds often include a restraining order. This will often require the individual to not enter the residence or risk violating the restraining order.
Violating Court Orders
If an individual violates court orders, their original bail will be forfeit and they will be rearrested. At this juncture, the judge is able to deny bail entirely. The judge may still choose to offer bail, but there will be significant stipulations. They may also choose to force the individual to remain in jail. If bail is offered, the bail bond service may require daily check-ins to protect their investment, as well as always having current information. Additionally, the bond will likely be considerably higher than conventional bail bonds.
It is important to follow the terms of your bail when you are released from jail. Failure to do so can result in significant consequences. We have the knowledge to advise you on what you are and aren’t allowed to do while on bail. Here at AAA Bail Bonds, we offer around the clock services to ensure that you can obtain the bail bond that you need. This will allow you to best prepare for your upcoming hearing. To learn more about obtaining a bail bond, contact us today!